Holcomb-Henry-Boom-Purcell Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Our phones are answered 24x7 and immediate services are available. On-line information available at www.holcombhenryboom.com for both at need and pre-planning services. We continue to meet families at our funeral home location if comfortable doing so, in limited numbers. Funeral, memorial or graveside services continue but limited to 10 or fewer people attending. We are able to face-time, zoom, conference call & email documents to those more comfortable staying in the safety of their homes.
Hours of operation:
- Sunday: 10:00 AM — 3:00 PM
- Monday: 9:00 AM — 4:30 PM
- Tuesday: 9:00 AM — 4:30 PM
- Wednesday: 9:00 AM — 4:30 PM
- Thursday: 9:00 AM — 4:30 PM
- Friday: 9:00 AM — 4:30 PM
- Saturday: 9:00 AM — 4:00 PM